$97.00 USD

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Entrepreneur Emotional Support Program with Dr. K

Most business owners silently struggle with overwhelm and stress. These and other emotional health challenges inhibit their ability to build a business of their dreams and craft the life they crave.

Worst of all, their families, friends, and employees don't understand the hardships they endure, leading to a feeling of loneliness and isolation.

No more!

In the Entrepreneur Emotional Support Program with Dr. K, you will build a toolbox of emotional health skills to conquer challenges such as:

  • Overwhelm, stress, and burnout
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Self criticism
  • Relationship stress

What you'll get:

  • A private 30 minute emotional health strategy session with Dr. K to discuss your challenges and goals. You will come away with an action plan to address these challenges in the EESP program
  • 8-week Entrepreneur Emotional Health Foundations - highest ROI lessons to get fast results in your journey to becoming your best self
  • Weekly "Ask Dr. K Anything" private group coaching sessions with a specific focus each week and open Q&A
  • Private community only for EESP members for priority access to Dr. K
  • Access to the Insiders Club with Dr. K and his growing library of self-directed emotional health courses.
  • Dr. K App for easy access to all your EESP video content, meeting summaries, and community discussions.

Learn along side other business owners on your path to emotional health. It's a mastermind for your emotional wellbeing!

Find inner peace, get out of your own way, and get your life back!


This program is designed to be an ongoing support program, not a time-limited cohort program. There are no commitments. Join when you want, leave when you need, come back when you're ready. This is built around your needs.

What People Are Saying:

I've learned how to prioritize my feelings in the moment. When it's time to be a mom, I'm a mom. When it's time to answer a call from my client, I do that, or I'm actually ok letting it just go to voicemail now. I derived too much of my self-worth from being a business owner and didn't give myself enough credit for the other aspects of my life. I was about to walk out on my husband and kids, my business... and I'm so glad I started working with you instead, because now I get to enjoy helping my kids become the best versions of themselves, being with my husband and not talking work all the time, and making time for the efforts that matter to me in life.

Dr. K's coaching has paid for itself by helping me avoid making emotional decisions and stupid mistakes as a business owner.

People are noticing the changes in me even though they had no idea I was getting your coaching. That's how I know this is working. And it's everyone: my team, my family, my friends. I've gotten a number of compliments that I'm different, more in tune with myself, calmer, more present, and more pleasant to be around.